A Pane in the Glass Podcast
This podcast is hosted by Bill Tschirhart, a chartered professional coach with Coaches of Canada. It's for coaches, instructors , athletes & parents at all levels of experience & skills. Using articles from Bill's coaching manual ("A Pane in the Glass: A Coach's Companion"), his blog site (truenorthbill.blogspot.com), his 30+ years coaching & instructing athletes, augmented by interviews with highly skilled & experienced experts, the aim of "A Pane In The Glass Podcast" to provide a valuable resource of information all the while producing episodes that will entertain the listener.
A Pane in the Glass Podcast
The Most Important Aspects Of A Curling Delivery Are Invisible
This episode begins season #4 of "A Pane In The Glass Podcast". It was this week in 2002 when I took a leap of faith into the world of podcasting.
This episodes explains what's missing in so many curling deliveries I see as I travel the curling world. If all you take onto a sheet of curling ice is a sound delivery, you don't have very much! Most curling deliveries are reasonably sound but they break down because the owner of the delivery does not know how protect & support that delivery from the ravages of competitive breakdown. This episode will provide the tools to ensure that your curling delivery is "bullet proof".
There are two previous episodes that will enhance this one. They are "The Performance Cocktail " S1E20 and "Three Hundred Seconds " S1E28.
This episode is about one hour in length so please make use of the "Chapters" feature to return to the last section you heard before you hit "pause" on your listening device!