A Pane in the Glass Podcast

So You Want To Be Perfect Eh?

Coach Bill Season 3 Episode 50

The title of today's episode of "A Pane In The Glass Podcast" says it all. I reprise an article from my blog site (truenorthbill.blogspot.com) for an article based upon an interview with Dr. John Dunn with a journalist from the Edmonton Journal. That's followed by a sound bite by sport psychologist Eli Straw on "Mental Skills For Young Athletes" (including some hands-on activities coaches & parents can do with their young athletes). I then chat with a young athlete in the person of my grandson Lucas who shares his thoughts on the soundbite. I conclude this episode with a tribute to the late Jimmy Carter.
You may wish to make use of the chapter markers to return to various portions of this episode. They are found at the top of these show notes.

It’s your turn! Send me your thoughts by texting here!