A Pane in the Glass Podcast
This podcast is hosted by Bill Tschirhart, a chartered professional coach with Coaches of Canada. It's for coaches, instructors , athletes & parents at all levels of experience & skills. Using articles from Bill's coaching manual ("A Pane in the Glass: A Coach's Companion"), his blog site (truenorthbill.blogspot.com), his 30+ years coaching & instructing athletes, augmented by interviews with highly skilled & experienced experts, the aim of "A Pane In The Glass Podcast" to provide a valuable resource of information all the while producing episodes that will entertain the listener.
A Pane in the Glass Podcast
Seventeen Inches
In this episode of "A Pane In The Glass Podcast" you'll hear a narrative entitled "Seventeen Inches". It's not new, in fact it refers to a coaches conference in 1996. At that conference, one of the guest speakers was 78 year old Coach John Scolinos who took to the lectern with a baseball home plate hanging from a cord around his neck. Why did he do that? You'll learn why in this episode!