A Pane in the Glass Podcast

"The New Canadian Curling Club"

Coach Bill Season 2 Episode 28

In this episode of "A Pane In The Glass Podcast" I interview the playwright of "The New Canadian Curling Club" (Mark Crawford). His play takes place over a number of months in a very typical small town curling club/facility in Canada but it could be anywhere in the curling world. The theme is one with which this podcast has dealt on two occasions, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, not only in curling but other activities as well. Go to S1E56 & S1E57 to hear those episodes!
Four "new Canadians" (from Syria, India, China & Jamaica) sign up for a "Monday Night Learn To Curl" programme. The instructor,  Stewart MacPhail (the long time ice technician), has been called in at the last minute to take over for the member of the club originally assigned to the group but who has sustained an injury requiring some months of rehab. 
Stewart, as we learn in the play, is a flat out racist. He lets these new immigrants to Canada know this is no uncertain terms. But, undaunted, the four lean on one another and in the process, not only learn how to curl but change Stewart's mind about the real spirit of curling. 
The play deals with a very serious and timely topic but does so with much humour about small town Canada and the sport of curling. 
After enjoying the play at the Huron Country Playhouse here in Grand Bend, I contacted Mark and asked if he'd join me to talk about his play and Diversity, Equity & Inclusion!

It’s your turn! Send me your thoughts by texting here!