A Pane in the Glass Podcast
This podcast is hosted by Bill Tschirhart, a chartered professional coach with Coaches of Canada. It's for coaches, instructors , athletes & parents at all levels of experience & skills. Using articles from Bill's coaching manual ("A Pane in the Glass: A Coach's Companion"), his blog site (truenorthbill.blogspot.com), his 30+ years coaching & instructing athletes, augmented by interviews with highly skilled & experienced experts, the aim of "A Pane In The Glass Podcast" to provide a valuable resource of information all the while producing episodes that will entertain the listener.
A Pane in the Glass Podcast
Is It A Stone Or Is It A Rock?
This episode of "A Pane In The Glass Podcast" will answer that question that I know keeps you up at night plus a lot more about the only piece of curling equipment that "counts". The episode ends with a sound bite from the post game #5 press conference in the Stanley Cup Final. The interviewee is the losing coach, Paul Maurice, of the Florida Panthers. You will want to hear his outstanding answer when asked if he thought the season was a success or failure.